OBIZUR® (Antihemophilic Factor [Recombinant], Porcine Sequence)

OBIZUR® is a brand-name medication that contains the active ingredient antihemophilic factor (recombinant) with a porcine sequence. It is primarily used to treat bleeding episodes in individuals with acquired hemophilia A. OBIZUR® is a recombinant factor VIII replacement therapy that mimics the function of human factor VIII. It is used to replace the missing or deficient factor VIII in individuals with acquired hemophilia A.

Indications and Uses

OBIZUR® is indicated for the following purposes:

  • Treatment of bleeding episodes in adults with acquired hemophilia A.

  • It is used to control and stop bleeding in individuals who have developed antibodies against their own factor VIII.

Dosage and Administration

The dosage of OBIZUR® is determined by a healthcare provider based on the patient's specific condition and the severity of the bleeding episode. The medication is administered by intravenous (IV) injection. The dose and frequency are individualized to the patient's needs and the response to treatment.


OBIZUR® should not be used in individuals with known hypersensitivity to porcine proteins or any of its components. It is essential to discuss any allergies or potential reactions with a healthcare provider.

Adverse Effects and Side Effects

Common side effects of OBIZUR® may include:

  • Anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions.

  • Development of neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) against factor VIII.

  • Fever.

  • Headache.

  • Joint pain.

It is crucial to report any severe or unusual side effects to your healthcare provider.

Storage and Shelf Life:

Store OBIZUR® at 2-8°C (36-46°F) in the original carton to protect it from light. Do not use OBIZUR® after the expiration date.

Packaging and Presentation

OBIZUR® is available as a lyophilized powder in single-use vials for reconstitution.

Regulatory Information

OBIZUR® is subject to regulation by health authorities to ensure its safety and efficacy. It is essential to use this medication as directed by a healthcare professional and in accordance with local regulations.


Always consult with your healthcare provider and refer to the official prescribing information and product labeling for the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on OBIZUR®. Your healthcare provider will guide you in the proper use of this medication, monitor your progress, and tailor the treatment to your specific medical condition.